
MGIMO Review of International Relations

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Manipulative Influence in the Spanish Political Discourse: Words Stereotypes, Words Symbols and Words Slogans


The article is devoted to a problem of manipulative influence in the Spanish political discourse. The article gives the characteristic of manipulative influence as the important function of a political discourse. One of tactics of manipulative influence are words stereotypes, words symbols and words slogans. In the article is found out the specific character of manipulative influence which used by the politicians of all persuasions.

About the Author

K. V. Kucherenko
МГУ им. М.В. Ломоносова
Russian Federation


1. Шиллер 1980, цит. по О.Л. Михалева. Политический дискурс. Специфика манипулятивного воздействия. М. URSS.

2. С. 75.

3. Шосторм. Анти-Корнеги или человек-манипулятор. Минск.: Изд-во «Полифакт», 1992. С. 5.

4. Е.Л. Доценко. Психология манипуляции. М.: Изд-во ЧеРо,1997. С. 59.

5. El País. 11.08.1998. P.15.

6. Ibid. P.16.

7. Diario de Sesiones, 24.03.1992. P. 8614.

8. El País. 11.08.1998. P.16.

9. Diario de Sesiones. 24.03.1992. P. 8611.


For citations:

Kucherenko K.V. Manipulative Influence in the Spanish Political Discourse: Words Stereotypes, Words Symbols and Words Slogans. MGIMO Review of International Relations. 2012;(5(26)):255-259. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2071-8160 (Print)
ISSN 2541-9099 (Online)